Institute for Information Transmission Problems and Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz win a Megagrant for a new wireless networks laboratory



On November 30, 2017, Russian Government published the results of the Sixth Scientific Megagrant call. Institute for Information Transmission Problems won a megagrant with the project on Cloudified Wireless Networks for 5G and Beyond, led by Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA).

Prof. Akyildiz is a world-renowned scientist widely recognized for his contributions to development of architecture and algorithms for novel cellular networks, terahertz communications, cognitive radio networks, and mesh networks. His scientific work on modern and future wireless networks made a huge impact on the field and secured for Prof. Akyildiz, with his h-index of 106, a place in the TOP-50 most cited scientists in computer science.

‘I am interested to participate in this international project. The Russian team is very talented, and I hope we will achieve very high results together. My goal is to create in Russia a world-level center of excellence’, said Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz.

According to the project, a new Wireless Networks Laboratory will be created at IITP RAS. The members of the new laboratory, many of whom are young researchers, will improve their skills in design and optimization of the 5G wireless networks and beyond.

‘We are glad to create partnership with Prof. Akyildiz. This project aims to bring the network research at IITP RAS to an even higher level, and to expand our web of partnership with leading research centers and largest telecommunication manufacturers worldwide,’ said Prof. Andrei Sobolevski, Director of the Institute.

5G networks will allow transferring large amounts of data generated by various applications. A key feature of these networks is their ability to satisfy heterogeneous quality-of-service requirements imposed by various types of traffic, including web, multimedia, and traffic generated by emerging applications of the Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, virtual reality, vehicular networks, etc.

‘We expect that our collaboration within this project will help us to achieve successful results in the hottest area of communications. It will have a great impact on industrial projects that we run as well as on our educational program’, said Dr. Evgeny Khorov, an IITP RAS researcher who co-authored the project proposal and will be in charge of the new lab.

IITP RAS is widely known in Russia and abroad for its breakthrough fundamental and applied results in telecommunications. Many results are well-known all over the world and have been included in Russian (Soviet) and foreign textbooks in communications. Many algorithms and data transmission methods developed at IITP RAS were implemented by industrial partners in networking equipment and became telecommunication standards.

The Sixth Scientific Megagrant call gathered 358 applications submitted by 170 Russian organizations. It involved leading scientists from 41 countries of the world. The experts of the Ministry for Education and Research selected 35 research projects led by outstanding foreign and Russian scientists. Among the winners, 11 leading scientists have Russian citizenship, while others are citizens of 12 other countries, including the USA, France, Italy, Germany, India, Israel, etc. Each team will receive a grant of up to 90 million rubles for 2018-2020.

Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz is the Ken Byers Chair Professor in Telecommunication and the Chair of the Telecommunications Group with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Director of the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computer Networks (Elsevier) Journal since 2000, the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Ad Hoc Networks Journal (Elsevier) in 2003, the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Physical Communication (PHYCOM) Journal (Elsevier) in 2008, and the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Nano Communication Networks (NANOCOMNET) Journal (Elsevier) in 2010. He received numerous awards from ACM and IEEE. His current research interests are in Nanonetworks, 5G Cellular Networks, Software Defined Networking, Terahertz Band Communication, and Underground and Underwater Sensor Networks.