[Seminar] July 18, 2018 – Vladimir Sidorenko – On Error-Control for Linear Network Coding

We are happy to invite you to the third Moscow Telecommunication Seminar that will be held at 5 PM, on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, in IITP RAS, room 615. The talk will be given by Dr. Vladimir Sidorenko (TUM, Germany and IITP RAS, Russia).

Title: On Error-Control for Linear Network Coding.

Speaker: Dr. Vladimir Sidorenko, senior researcher at Institute for Communications Engineering of Technical University of Muenchen, Germany.

Abstract: The network coding allows each node in a network to process information. Even if intermediate nodes simply perform linear operations over
some finite field, the resulting network codes can be information-theoretically rate-optimal for a large class of communication problems.We start with a short introduction to linear network coding and show that this approach is very sensitive to errors during transmission. For error control we consider subspace codes obtained by lifting
interleaved Gabidulin codes. We show that  these codes are able to correct with high probability many packet insertions and deletions.


Dr. Vladimir Sidorenko is a senior researcher at Institute for Communications Engineering of Technical University of Muenchen, Germany, and  a senior researcher at IITP, Russian Academy of Sciences. As invited researcher he worked at University of Lund, Sweden, Technical University of Darmstsdt, Germany, University of Lancaster, UK, University of Aveiro, Portugal, University on Chengdu, China. His research interests include coding theory, telecommunications, signal processing, cryptology, and applications. He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Transmission. See also https://www.lnt.ei.tum.de/en/people/senior-researchers/sidorenko/

The seminar is free and open. However, because of possible room limitation, all participants are required to register before each seminar. Registration is open at the First-Come-First-Serve basis. Registration is closed on the event date, at 11AM or earlier, if no seats are available.

To register, please fill in the form, using this link.

For more information on the seminar, please visit the page http://wireless.iitp.ru/seminar/.