Survey on boosting TCP & QUIC performance in high-frequency wireless networks published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

The paper “Boosting TCP & QUIC Performance in mmWave, Terahertz, and Lightwave Wireless Networks: a Survey” authored by Evgeny Khorov, Artem Krasilov, Maxim Susloparov, and Linghe Kong (IITP RAS, HSE University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University) is published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, a first-quartile journal with an impact factor of 35. The survey comprehensively reviews various methods and solutions aimed to improve TCP and QUIC performance in high-frequency wireless networks.

TCP and QUIC are the most common transport-layer protocols for reliable data transmission. At the same time, high-frequency bands, such as mmWave, Terahertz (THz), and Lightwave (LW), allow boosting the data rate of wireless networks up to hundreds of Gbps. In the paper, the authors outline several problems leading to poor TCP & QUIC performance and thoroughly analyze and classify various solutions to these problems. The survey contains numerical results that demonstrate the scale of the existing performance problems and show performance gains achieved by using state-of-the-art solutions. The authors accompany obtained results with recommendations for network operators and service providers on the best solution for high TCP & QUIC performance.

The paper is published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, a first-quartile (Q1) journal with an Impact Factor of 35. This journal publishes extensive literature surveys and in-depth tutorials covering all areas of the communications field.